Sorry Andrei... the problem is not 100% fixed.
Most of the time, I am not getting my artwork from Amazon or anywhere else. I scan most of my covers myself because I have lots of strange things... out of print titles or alternate artwork etc....
Most of my uploads are fine... the only one I keep having a headache with is the "Jaguar" LP by The Sweetest Ache. I have uploaded it a few times since yesterday... I have removed the artwork and uploaded it without any art then uploaded it again... I have even changed the dimensions and the resolution of my artwork... I've tried again and again... so far it has been a CD by Black Sabbath, a various artists techno compilation, and now it is an album by Take That (cringe)....
I have uploaded a few things since the JAGUAR problem started and they're OK... only JAGUAR seems intent on giving me grief.
Any news on when the system will start accepting the data we are sending instead of substituting it with it's own random images?
Can you post a link to the album that still has this problem? I'd like to take a look.
I just tried updating it again with no luck. It removed the "TAKE THAT" cover, but now it doesn't display anything, LOL!
Here you go:
The album already dispays correct artwork. Make sure to give the website some time to digest your data after big updates. It may take some 10-15 minutes to process big collections.
Nope. Sorry Andrei. It definitely does NOT display the correct artwork. It was displaying something wrong earlier today so I finally did something drastic. I deleted it from my database and uploaded (to remove it from RackandTags), then I entered it into my database again and did a new upload.
Here is the new upload:
As you can see, it is now displaying the artwork for Anthony Steward Head. Very, very strange.
Maybe this is happening because I have two albums with similar names? [url]http://www.racksandtags.com/birdienumnums/1619123/The-Sweetest-Ache-Jaguar[/url]
The CD version is purple. The LP version is red. I have both and I have entered both... but the LP keeps giving me trouble. (See the attached file for the LP cover art).
I have even uploaded other new albums today and they both uploaded correctly... WEIRD!!
Definitely not fixed.
I am using OCD 6.3.7 Build 14304 on Windows 7 x64 if it helps any.
It appears that sometimes people get the same album art as others updating at the same time.... I have noticed that it isn't uncommon to see the same album art on two different albums on the racks and tags home page.
When I delete the album from OCD and then resync... I don't get any album art.
Here is one I am having trouble with:
Ok now I just uploaded another album and the art for the album above showed up on it and the second album I uploaded. Here is that link:
Last edited by Katzz; 12-15-2009 at 12:32 AM.
I am seriously getting very impatient and frustrated! It seems that I am spending more time getting racks & tags to work with OCD than actually spent on my collection... I am going to start checking for alternatives.