Quote Originally Posted by andrei_c View Post
The album already dispays correct artwork. Make sure to give the website some time to digest your data after big updates. It may take some 10-15 minutes to process big collections.
Nope. Sorry Andrei. It definitely does NOT display the correct artwork. It was displaying something wrong earlier today so I finally did something drastic. I deleted it from my database and uploaded (to remove it from RackandTags), then I entered it into my database again and did a new upload.

Here is the new upload:

As you can see, it is now displaying the artwork for Anthony Steward Head. Very, very strange.

Maybe this is happening because I have two albums with similar names? [url]http://www.racksandtags.com/birdienumnums/1619123/The-Sweetest-Ache-Jaguar[/url]

The CD version is purple. The LP version is red. I have both and I have entered both... but the LP keeps giving me trouble. (See the attached file for the LP cover art).

I have even uploaded other new albums today and they both uploaded correctly... WEIRD!!