Hey Ron...
OK.. this is not perfect and you can do some googling to get it better, but...
Copy and paste this line into the first command line box

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --one-instance "%1"

and this in the second

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --one-instance --playlist-enqueue "%1"

as you click on a song to PLAY.. it will start playing.. if you click on another song to play it will stop the current song and start playing, but adds it to the playlist.

if you click on a song to Queue it will add the song to the playlist.

So the only problem I have with these commands is that if you have queued up a couple of songs and select play on another one that song is added to the bottom of the playlist and starts playing...

Maybe someone else can come up with a better command line, but this at least works... ;O)
