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Thread: Pasting in record properties doesn't work anymore?

  1. #1

    Question Pasting in record properties doesn't work anymore?

    Hello, since the new version pasting is grayed out in record properties - tracks. Does anyone else have the same problem. Maybe I should revert to the previous version untill this is solved or is it something in my windows 7 settings that prevents orangecd from seeing the clipboard?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by FranticBlue View Post
    Hello, since the new version pasting is grayed out in record properties - tracks. Does anyone else have the same problem. Maybe I should revert to the previous version untill this is solved or is it something in my windows 7 settings that prevents orangecd from seeing the clipboard?
    Are you by any chance running OrangeCD in administrator mode? That could make clipboard access inaccessible.


  3. #3


    No, I'm not running OrangeCD as administrator, but I do have administrator-rights on this windows account. If you think there lies the problem I could make an extra less elevated account and see if pasting works then again. Never noticed this behaviour before, so I thought it was related to upgrading to the latest version.

    Update: just tried it again after changing my account-type from administrator to user, but still "pasting" is grayed out!
    Last edited by FranticBlue; 11-17-2011 at 09:26 PM.

  4. #4


    I notice that pasting is only grayed out from albums I added by scanning CD. With the Albums I added manually, pasting works fine. So seems that the albums added by scanning CD are somehow locked-down although I can of course still manually type in the songtitles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by FranticBlue View Post
    I notice that pasting is only grayed out from albums I added by scanning CD. With the Albums I added manually, pasting works fine. So seems that the albums added by scanning CD are somehow locked-down although I can of course still manually type in the songtitles.
    I understand now. This was done on purpose. Since the software reads actual CD tracks, it supposedly knows precise duration of each track.

    Still, if you would like to correct it (e.g. to match durations printed on cover), you can do so by duplicating album:

    1. Select the album
    2. Menu Tools - Duplicate
    3. Delete the original album, but keep the copy
    4. Edit the copy. All fields should be editable now.


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