Quote Originally Posted by Jazz_North View Post
I have found another display issue as I work with the very useful collaboration feature and my classical collection. If an artist has a collaboration in addition to solo pieces, then the full name of the collaboration appears before the album title in the list under the artists name.
This was done on purpose so you could see that the specific album is released as "John Lennon & Yoko Ono" and not just "John Lennon".

You can disable this behavior. Right-click tree view and select Customize View. Switch to Options tab. You will see this format string in first box:

{%b :: }%T{ (%Y)}
Remove the first part in curly braces and press OK. Your new format string should look like this:

%T{ (%Y)}
(Technical explanation: %b expands to full artist name if it's collaboration album, or expands to empty string if it's simple artist album. If you remove %b, artist will never show up.)