[quote=danielbritt]for the record, i am using tag&rename for FLAC also.
[quote=danielbritt]for the record, i am using tag&rename for FLAC also.
i am familiar with that "fix" in the settings and it is working ok. im just getting a couple of oddballs that dont come in where they are supposed to.
in addition, ive had a couple of oddballs that dont bring in the track times. i would be happy to import/type it myself but on the properties screen where you enter the time i cannot access the section because the window isnt resizeable. would this be a candidate for the next revision, having resizeable property windows?
[quote=danielbritt]in addition, ive had a couple of oddballs that dont bring in the track times.
i guess on the same note, is there a way to get the ratings to appear on the default template? i have to
a: bring in the ratings even though they are written to the file tags
b: there is nowhere to display them on the default template. is there a FAQ on how to edit it (aside from the color/font changes in the settings)
New version that was released today puts rating display on the main album screen. It is also clickable; i.e. you can rate albums while you are looking at them.
I suggest that you download the new version instead of modifying the template.