1. Scan a batch of CDRs one by one, just like you did before.

2. Click menu Navigate -> Entire collection. This will display a full list of albums (including all of your newly added CDRs).

3. Switch to Table view (menu View -> Table view).

4. Right-click the list and select Columns...

5. Add "Date Added" to the right list. Press OK. This will add a new column to the list titled Date Added.

6. Click the Date Added column header. This will sort the list according to the addition date, oldest albums first.

7. Click the Date Added column header again. This will reverse the sort order - newest albums will come first. You can now see all your newly added CDRs on top of the list!

8. Select all new CDRs. You can do it by holding Ctrl key on keyboard and clicking the CDR albums one by one, or holding Shift key (may use some training if you never used multi-select )

9. When all new albums are selected, right-click the selection and choose Properties. This will display a window similar to album properties, but instead it will display Bulk Edit in caption. Any changes you do in this window, will be applied to all selected albums at once, so be careful!

10. Edit Format and Packaging fields as needed. Again, be careful and do not edit anything else, unless you want the change to occur in all selected albums!

11. Press OK. Done!