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Thread: How come there is no search field for bitrate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default How come there is no search field for bitrate?


    I wanted to bring up all of my MP3 albums that have a bitrate of 128 to start upgrading them, but in the search field drop down the bitrate field doesn't appear. Even on the advanced search.

    I can use the bitrate field when modifing the templates so I know it exists.

    Can this be added?

    I would also like the bitrate field to be added to the MyGenres data that gets uploaded. I want to be able to select it as one of my columns.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: How come there is no serach field for bitrate?

    Quote Originally Posted by frederf
    I wanted to bring up all of my MP3 albums that have a bitrate of 128 to start upgrading them, but in the search field drop down the bitrate field doesn't appear. Even on the advanced search.
    There's a workaround for this: add Bitrate column to the list view and sort by that column. You'll get a list of your albums arranged by bitrate making it easy to find the bitrates you need.

    I'll look into adding bitrate to the list of searchable fields. Thanks for reminder.

    I would also like the bitrate field to be added to the MyGenres data that gets uploaded. I want to be able to select it as one of my columns.
    Unfortunately it's low priority item so it probably won't be added to any time soon.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: How come there is no serach field for bitrate?

    Thanks for the reply...

    And yea the column sort thing works out Ok for me.

    Now is there a way for me to copy the bitrate field to one that is uploaded to MyGenres?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: How come there is no serach field for bitrate?

    So why isn't the bitrate field availabe in any of the field select drop downs?

    I can't select it to copy it to another field. I can't select it as a sort field either.


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