Quote Originally Posted by SAdrummer View Post
I agree! That would be very nice. In the credit tab I can mention perseons as composer, but they don't appear in the album view. Only lyricists do.
What theme are you using? Any entry in the Authors and Performance section of the Credits tab shows up under Credits in the default theme (Default V6), even an entry that doesn't use one of the drop down choices for role will appear there. They should all show up because the database has all of them in a field called authorname, their roles in a field called authorrole, and the tracks they are on is in authortracks.

If you have entered the composer in track properties rather than in album properties, it will only show up track by track (I believe that info is in a field called trackcomposer, which is part of the track set of fields and not the album set). In the classical layout, you can enter a composer on the general tab. This is in yet another field in the album set called composer.

Also, I believe (which means I have tried this and it works but I won't swear something else won't work, too) that the fields called composer and trackcomposer both generate entries when you "Browse by composer" but any entry in the Credits tab with role composer will not.

Perhaps you can also tell me why you want to enter composer under credits and not in the track entry (and if you want to do both, why?).