Here are some features I would like to see:

1. When at the cd-page, the "label" should be clickable and take you to a list showing all records you have from this label.

2. When you have done a search for something and double-click one of the found items, the word you searched for should be highlighted (like google's cache-function). That would make the search much more easier and more effective. As it is now, I have to select all text and copy it into notepad and there search for the word again to see where it actually was on the page.

3. Rate albums and songs, for example on a 10-grade-level. Microsoft Windows Media Player is a good example of a program with this functionallity. This would really help keeping track of how good a album is. Of course you should also be able to search for songs or albums that have a specific raing.

4. Dual-view; see albums and album-info att the same time. very good when browsing through all albums by one artist. Like this: [url][/url]