In Joebugs' case, there ought to be an option to add extra pages for more artwork, maybe an "add extra page" button to handle those huge boxed sets...I don't know what would work better...individual pages of artwork that could load one at a time, and you could click an arrow to go to page 2, page 3, page 4, etc....kind of like how you can fast forward thorugh a slideshow or photo gallery...or maybe have the option of loading 4 images on page 1, 4 more images on page 2, and so on, depending on how many CD's, covers, volumes of a set, etc. that you want to display...maybe both options...1 image per page, with an option to create as many pages as you want afterwards, or the ability to add 4 images per page with the same option to create more. When you think about it, you can view a video in it's normal size, or you can watch it in "full screen mode"...why should OUR options for Orange CD be any less? Having said that, it still beats other programs out there, but there's always room for improvement, I say! At least, Andrei doesn't have to think of these things...HE HAS US TO DO ALL THE THINKING, and he can look to this forum for inspiration and new ideas! Plus, he can "test" out any new features on us first, and get our opinions, if he wanted! I always find it amazing...the more I use the program, the more thoughts that come to my mind!