Technology is moving alarmingly fast. Racksandtags was a really useful addition to OCD users when Andrei developed it a few years back. But with smartphones becoming so user-friendly and all-you-can-eat data so affordable, it's time for the next phase. Unless you have amazing eyes or an i-pad, Racksandtags is a bit of a pain to read when you're out and about. And let's face it, that's a big reason it was developed in the first place.

I know it's more work for the man, but I would gladly pay £2 or so for an app that packaged it up for iphone or android. Everything today is geared to making information really easy to access... except my favourite music database!!

From a marketing viewpoint, an app would undoubtedly make sense re 'monetising' OCD (links to paid-for downloads, events/ticketing etc), though I fully accept that might not be a consideration for Andrei. But from our point of view it would align OCD with the market (ie us users) technologically and make life so much easier and handier!

Not a lot has happened with OCD since February - I just wonder if something might be in the pipeline??