Quote Originally Posted by RaulFranco View Post
Hello.. :-)

I'm talking about additional fields that don't exist, I know how to add "custom fields" but "custom fields" can only be displayed at the bottom of the page, what I want is to add fields that could be displayed right beside the artwork, or I wonder if there's a way to rename the fields that already exists, fields such as "company or distribuitor"

Many thanks for your help! :-)

I don't think you can actually rename the field, but you can rename the label/title that the field displays (not the content of the field). That is, you can have the field called Company display as "Distributor". It does require that you edit the Template. You can also edit how the content of the field displays (font, typeface, colour, etc.) The richness of OCD is the ability it gives the user to determine just how data displays. You can have a custom field display anywhere you want, but you have to create your own template.