No need to wait for Andrei to add new format names - as long they fit into the disc & track model. Format type names can be easily added by going to View -> Preferences -> Database
Highlight Format, click on Edit and add whatever you wish

Of course there's no guarantee OCD or any program will read some of these formats directly - so manual addition might be required

Quote Originally Posted by vinylmaster View Post
Despite a few minor changes I'd like to implement (and...really... who doesn't have some of those on occasion LOL), for the most part, this software works like a charm, and it does what I need it to do...which is catalogue my media...and of course, as the mediums always change, there's always a need to add new formats (I nominate player piano rolls, 8-tracks, DVD's, Blu-Ray discs, 78's, laserdiscs, cereal box records, flexi-discs, reel to reel discs, Beta tapes, and Edison cylinders-didn't see those listed-but then again, I'm picky, I guess...). It's odd that they haven't been able to go above and beyond the MP3's, and that more people are returning to vinyl again, but I digress...

In any case, as long as there are new items to add (and I need not worry about running out), I am absolutely positive that I'll be using Orange CD well into the future!!!

Good work, Andrei!!!