Ok, I found it!

The code could be better as in OCD v5 the rating didn't have half-stars, so I patched it quickly without thinking about a better solution, by the way, I think it should work for you.

Just follow these steps I did with the "Advanced Web Site.dax" (and then you can apply them in your export templates):

1) "Declarations" section
copy this line

STARSIZE ["Rating Stars Size"] : int = 16;

after this existing line

COVERSIZE ["Album cover size"] : int = 100;

2) "Album Page" section

after the line "//--></style>"

copy the following function

<script type="text/javascript">
var Star0 = "Star0.gif";
var Star0_5 = "Star0_5.gif";
var Star1 = "Star1.gif";

function RatingStars(myrating) {
if (parseInt(myrating,10) > 0) {
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (i < (myrating / 100) * 5) {
if ((i+0.5) < (myrating / 100) * 5) {
document.write("<img src='.\\images\\" + Star1 + "' width=$STARSIZE valign='top' border='0' />");
else {
document.write("<img src='.\\images\\" + Star0_5 + "' width=$STARSIZE valign='top' border='0' />");

else {
document.write("<img src='.\\images\\" + Star0 + "' width=$STARSIZE valign='top' border='0' />");
else {
document.write('Not Rated');

then place the following line where you want to show the rating stars

<script type="text/javascript">RatingStars('<dax:rating/>')</script><br>

After you've created the directory with your collection, with the Export template, you have to:
- create in it a folder named "images"
- copy in this directory the three gif images related to the rating stars (you can draw them yourself or grab them from rags&amp;tags, etc.) named
"Star0.gif" (a gif displaying a grey star, for example)
"Star1.gif" (a gif displaying a yellow star)
"Star0_5.gif" (a gif displaying a star half yellow, half grey)

Now you should see the rating displaying the stars, then if you want to display them bigger or smaller than I did, you can change the value of "Rating Stars Size" from 16 to the value you desire.
