My goal is to provide links to the previous and next track on the track page. Seeing no tags for this, I thought to try Javascript. The simple code saved the current track in a variable. Then I attempted to iterate over all the tracks using <dax:track> and making a Javascript call inside each iteration. This appears to mess up the page context in some manner, for after attempting this valid HTML did not seem to work. Here's the Javascript:

<script language="javascript">
var thisTrackNum;
var prevTrackLink = "";
var nextTrackLink = "";

function saveTrackNum(trackNum)
   thisTrackNum = trackNum;

function saveTrackLink(trackNum,trackLink)
   if(thisTrackNum > 0 &amp;&amp; trackNum == thisTrackNum - 1)
      prevTrackLink = trackLink;
   if(trackNum == (thisTrackNum + 1))
      nextTrackLink = trackLink;

function printTrackLinks()
   if (prevTrackLink.length > 0) 
      document.write("P:" + prevTrackLink.toString() + "<br>");
   if (nextTrackLink.length > 0)
      document.write("N:" + nextTrackLink.toString() + "<br>");
And here's how it's invoked:

<script language="javascript">

   <script language="javascript">

<script language="javascript">

<!-- bottom table -->
<!-- first row: lyrics and notes on left -->

<table class="trackbottom">

<td class="left" id="lyrics">

<h3 class="topper">LYRICS 
  <span class="addedit">
  <a href="#" onclick="window.external.edittrk(0,0,3); return false;">

When it reaches that <dax:lyrics> tag I get this message:

Unknown tag or section: 'lyrics' in C:\Program Files\OrangeCD\Templates\PaulB.dax at line 143, character 17.




Without the a <dax:track> construct the page loads fine, leading me to suspect that the <dax:track> construct doesn't work on a track page. But without it I see no way to obtain the previous and next track links, which is a feature I'd like in my template.

Any ideas?