In the track properties box, if you are not under the General tab, you won't know what track you are on. Sure, the top of this window will tell you "track properties - 5 of 10", but people usually remember song names, rather that which track number a particular track is, right? I found this annoying when inserting lyrics, I would have to keep switching back to the general tab, to make sure I was in the properties window for the correct song, since you can start with the first track, and then use the arrows at the bottom left of this window to advance to the next or previous track properties. Couldn't the name of the track (song) be displayed in the title bar, for example, perhaps it could say "Track (or maybe song) Properties for:" and then the name of the song? If space is a concern (since some song names can be very long), perhaps the song name could be put onto the next line (yes, I know, double height title bar, maybe not the best looking thing in the world). This would be helpful for me at least, and perhaps others as well.

Also, the arrows at the bottom left of the track properties window, there is nothing to tell you what they do, until you click on them ... perhaps if they said just to the right of them "<< previous track : next track >>", or something like that.

