I have updated the php portion of the script to be xhtml 1.1 compliant, I'm just integrating a nice looking stylesheet now and I will release a new version.

But before I'm done with it, I offer up a question. What does everyone use a web-based Music Catalog for?

For me, I have about 20 DVD's of mp3 music, and I take them into work with me because we are not allowed to have m3p's on our drives at work, nor are we allowed to stream music from the net. Therefore, I have my collection at my fingertips. So, I reference my music online, and when I find a album or song I like, I note the DVD that it is located on. I store the DVD_ID in one of the Custome fields, I belive CUSTOM_1.

A note, When I cleaned my mp3 files, All "multi-disc" albums were boiled down to a single group of albums.
I think this is because I formatted my mp3's to the allmusicguide.com format using TheGodfather.