Hello, I am a new user of OrangeCD... liking the program very much so far Couple of questions:

When I add a new CD manually, the icon in the content tree show as a vinyl icon. Is there any way to manually change the icons used in the tree? Being able to set a specific icon for each format would be extremely helpful.

Is it possible to not display the "# not assigned" field for my entries?

Also, I have mp3 files stored on my PC for most of my CD's. Is it possible to point the track names to the corresponding mp3 file, allowing a play shortcut? I guess I could just scan the mp3 folders and change the format to "CD" afterwards, but then I have a mp3 icon in the content tree (this goes back to my first question... any way to change the icons manually?).

If it is not possible to set the icons manually in the content tree, I would really love to see this added to a future build of OrangeCD. I can't imagine I am the only one interested in this feature, and it must be fairly easy to code...
