I have already purchased the license so I could use the software to catalog my music collection. In addition to organizing and cataloging my music, I would like to be able to listen to a particular Album/Artist/Tracks when inspired by looking through my music database via OrangeCD.

For me, having my music cataloged in OrangeCD provides a way to review and browse my music collection. Often, while reading through my various Artist/Album/Track notes, I get the desire to queue up some music and read about it while listening to it. This allows me to add 'personal notes/ratings' to my database. This cannot be accomplished yet with OrangeCD.

If you have any kind of a music collection at all, and have taken the time to add Album Covers and Notes to it, then surely you have shown it to your friends.....I have, and inevitably they end up wanting to hear much of the music because of the endless information I have added to my database in OrangeCD - I am then stuck telling them "Sorry, the software does not have that ability"......What a shame! Not only can they not listen to the Albums/Tracks they have requested, but they are left feeling that the software would be a waste of their time should they desire to use it.

Seriously, if you are a true music connoisseur, you MUST see the need for the Jukebox and various MP3 functions within OrangeCD.

Just my thoughts on the software....
