Ahh, yes! This I need also! I have over 500 CDs catalogged in Discplay (which the software rights where sold to another company, who never did anything with it!) ... would be nice to just import that! I rather not re-insert all those CDs again! Not to mention, all the other CDs I have that have yet to go in! But, this program is 1 of 2 I am considering ... amazing the VAST difference between some of theses programs... some are such excrement, it's hard to believe! Ahem, at any rate, there is one other program that is about on par with this one, and I need to decide .... If I could just import my old DB ... but, alas, I could just say screw it, and do them all... at least this time I see it's a MUCH easier process... in the past you had to enter the year, as well as the gerne (and they have more gernes now! Woo hoo!).
