I have been messing around with OCD for a while and so far its the best program of its type that I have found.

I have used the CMI_Play template to create a website of my entire online mp3 collection.

What I want to be able to do is have each track in the tracklist page link to the mp3 file on my server via a mapped drive.

This would enable the track to be played on any machine on my lan provided the drive mappings are set up correctly.

When I created the db it was done from a machine on the network scanning the maped server drive so by sharing the ocd db file any machine can play the files from within ocd using a play template.

This suggests to me that the necessary information is within the ocd database so what I need to do is find a way to create the required links when building the website with ocd using the rellative path to the files in the links

Does anyone know how this can be done? I could of course set up the links manually as I have to test this but as I have over 26,000 tracks on the server this would be quite a task!!!

Anyone got any ideas

PS I dont really want to have to run Itunes on the server as its pretty crap and I hate it!!