0- In imaging options,
set : store covers in external files if covers exceeds 1ko.
1- make a copy of your MP3_covers directory.
2- with notepad, create a new document, with :
<!--[if(cover)]-->RENAME "<!--[cover/]-->.jpg" "<!--[artist/]--> - <!--[title/]-->.jpg"<!--[/if]-->
3- save it in the orangeCD templates directory
with a name like realnames.dax
4- execute the template TOOLS / EXPORT TO HTML
select the template and run it where is located your saving
MP3_covers directory.
5- you've got now a new file, edit it :
Just have to replace "<img class=cover width=170 height=170 src="covers/" by "" and ".jpeg">" by "".
Rename the file to .bat, and run it (double click on it on windows explorer).
That's all
If you need more help...