Quote Originally Posted by thetrickster
Maybe you know more about this. Am I wasting my time?
No, I don't think you are wasting time, although I should warn you that these kinds of keywords (I mean, popular bands and albums names) are extremely competitive, so please don't expect too much of this change.

Basically, what you need is place the following code after the <head> tag in the album:: section of the template ("Album Page" if you are using template editor application):

<meta name="Keywords" content="<!--[Artist/]-->,<!--[Title/]-->">
Then run HTML export to make sure it works, and open any album page in the Notepad. It should display something like this in beginning of document:

<meta name="Keywords" content="David Bowie,Changesbowie">
<title>David Bowie - Changesbowie</title>