Woohoo!! I managed it myself!

I added
<p>Browse by title:<br>
in the ::start/web section of the Advanced Web Site template, and now I can export to an HTML page where I can now choose from both an alphabetic index on first letter of either artist or album!

OK, database gurus out there are probably rolling their eyes, but hey, I never played around with this kind of stuff, and I'm pretty pleased with myself!

...which leads my to my NEXT query:
So now I'm able to sort the way I want it, but now I would like to change the way the results are displayed.
What I would like is to click on a letter from the Browse By Artist list and get a list in the format
Artist A - Album1
Artist A - Album2
Artist B - Album
(primary sort: artist, secondary sort: title)

However when I click on any letter from the Browse By Title list I would really like my results to be displayed the other way around!
AlbumA - Artist X
AlbumB - Artist R
AlbumC - Artist B
(So basically reversed "sortflds")

The way this template is set up is that only ONE sort order can be set up, so whether I choose from the Browse By Title or Browse By Artist list, the results are displayed the same way.

I'm pretty sure that defining two different sort methods for two categories is something that should be accomplished in the ::group/web section, but I don't know HOW!

I hope I made myself clear...I'm trying to use database concepts here, without actually having the know-how, so I'm rather insecure...

Anyway, anyone any ideas? Any and all help very welcome!!