
I just edited the CMI template to make even a No Cover space contain a link to the Album Detail Page.

Open the CMI template in the DAX Editor program, then go to the Group Page. Then, scroll down until you find the following string:

<table border="0" width="$THUMBSIZE" bgcolor="$SHADECOLOR2"><tr><td width="$THUMBSIZE" height="$THUMBSIZE" align="center" valign="middle"><font color="#eeeeee">no cover</font></td></tr></table>

Then just add the AlbumPage Link tag around the "no cover" text as shown below.

<!--[AlbumPageLink]-->no cover<!--[/AlbumPageLink]-->

This makes it possible to click on the black square with "no cover" in it and link back to the album detail page. You could also add the AlbumPageLink tag around the Album Title if you wish.

