How to do it :

- Download and install TomeRaider for PPC :

- Download and install TomeRaider for Windows:

- Save the following template to OrangeCD\Templates\

- Export your database (create HTML report) with the TomeRaider template.
Select genre or/and category depending on your habits.
In 'Web Site Tilte' put the owner name (the tag ownername is out on v6)
In 'File extension' : txt

- Use TomeRaider 3 compiler
select the txt file to compile, in options tab use Automatically sort unsorted. Press Compile (or import) and it's over.
You can open it with TomeRaider for windows and transfer to PPC.

(Maybe Artist profile could be added for the next orangeCd version, if a link is create between group and artist...)
