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Thread: Album View

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009



    I cleaned up erroneous entries from your album list. Please do a full sync now (as in View -> Preferences -> Racks and Tags -> Force full synchrnization...).

    If empty entries will reappear, it means the problem is in your database and we'll work from there.


  2. #12


    Did a full sync and that seems to have worked... Great! I am really happy now.

  3. #13


    Now the problem is back but this time I think I know why. It seems that when I delete albums sometimes they remain in the list but as an empty row. I tried to re-sync the whole library and it doesn't fix the problem. Now it seemed to stop at 74 blank entries before but I can't be sure of it, just thought I would mention that as potentially it may help.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    So the problem seems to be in local database. I will be happy to investigate why deletion results in empty entries. Feel free to send me your database or excerpt from it to [email][/email].


  5. #15


    Actually I strongly disagree, if it were the local database the initial sync would have brought back 74 blank spaces just like it was before you deleted them at your end. But it didn't, in fact when I did a resync it showed no spaces. It wasn't until I deleted and or replaced some entries again that the spaces start coming back. I believe, even though I am not a programmer, that the problem has to be within the communication between the systems. It seems like the software you have on your system at Racks and Tags doesn't recognize that some albums have been changed or deleted.

    I wonder too if it has to do with the name of the album being the same. I have been improving the quality of some of the older stuff I have and replacing them. I delete the item and then rescan it. I found this the best way to do this rather than to a rescan because for some reason I have noticed the bitrates are incorrect when I rescan.

    Anyway I am sending you an email with my database right away, anyways.

    I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
    Last edited by Katzz; 03-29-2011 at 08:52 PM.

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