Composer field - depopulated on 6.0
Strange ... the composer field on 6.0 Classical Layout is depopulated of the compsers I put in, i.e, they are all blank.
Re: Composer field - depopulated on 6.0

In the Classical Layout, click on More at the bottom of the window and click on SHOW TRACK COMPOSERS. This should solve your problem, I assume.
Re: Composer field - depopulated on 6.0
Thanks for the reply Joe .
.. but I'm not following you. I can switch to the Classical Layout in the Record Properties window. I don't see a "more" button on the bottom of this window. ??? What am I missing?
Re: Composer field - depopulated on 6.0
??? ??? ???
If you go to Record Properties - Tracks (it makes no difference if you're in General or Classical layout) under the length field there is a button named MORE. Click on this button and a menu opens. Click on SHOW TRACK PROPERTIES.
The composers list should appear in the Tracks List Window.
Re: Composer field - depopulated on 6.0
Okaaaay. I see what you mean, but that is not what I'm referring to. Let me explain a little further.
In Record Properties, Classical Layout, General tab, the uppermost field is Composer. All my previously populated Composer records are now blank.
When I repopulate the field with, for example, "Beethovan," the record disappears from the Folders Pane when sorting by Composer. Click "Beethovan" in the Folder Pane and the record is gone!
I suspect that there is an issue with the aforementioned Composer field and the Composer field in the Credits tab dropdown menu under Authors and performances: Role. My guess that Andre is going to merge these two fields and we are somehow stuck somewhere in between. ???
Re: Composer field - depopulated on 6.0

I see. I had this problem too. To overcome this you have to enter the composer from the Record Properties Tracks Classical layout even if the composer is the same for all tracks. You have to copy "Beethoven" or whatever for each track of the CD. This -- although not ideal -- solved my problem.
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