I'm not blaming anybody. I looking for a solution to my problem. I totally respect andrei's work, and love OCD.
But you have to understand (I believe that you're not a programmer. I would be...
Type: Posts; User: ekoliniol
I'm not blaming anybody. I looking for a solution to my problem. I totally respect andrei's work, and love OCD.
But you have to understand (I believe that you're not a programmer. I would be...
YES! It's working again on windows xp x64. Magic ?
Obviously discogs changed (luckily) something again.
What's the point in posting this ?
It's obvious that this thread refers to problems concerning legacy os (windows xp).
Have you not read none of the above posts or are you trying to be a smart guy?
I think all settings are stored in the registry.
Hi again
I think I found my problem.
"The Discogs servers use TLS 1.2 for SSL connections, which is unfortunately not available on Windows XP"
Any help would be much appreciated.
On further investigation I conluded that when I installed OCD in another machine (win 7) discogs import works fine.
I decided to delete the registry key...
hi andrei
I just downloaded latest build (again) and istalled it.
Unfortunately it does not work
Message is "An error occurred in the secure channel support".
I also noticed that Internet...
Unfortunately Discogs has changed their API breaking OCD discogs import function.
It's been more than a month and we're still waiting on an update.
Andrei please help us.
I generally agree with Jazz_north.
An application that has a certain purpose (cataloging music in our case) that has been developed and enhanced for many years , probably does exactly what it is...
Hi Andrei
I believe it is essential to be able to browse our collection (offline) on Iphone -Ipad - Android Phone.
I'm a serious vinyl collector and it is essential for me , when buying, to know...
Same Issue Here
"Keyword Search" does not work any more
Andrei are you aware of this :
Is orangecd going to be affected ?
Although I've been using this field for all records, when I add a new record I cannot select value from drop-down and I have to type it over and over again.
you might want to try
sorry for not mentioning it but i couldnt remember your username (too lazy to search the whole forum)
Works great
Thanks again
oops !!
you will have to add the following to the declarations page in the ALBUM PAGE PARAMETERS
A_P_STARSIZE ["Rating Stars Size"] : int = 16;
When you export you will see...
I have implemented the rating tag on my site www.ekoliniol.com
If you like it do this :
Add the following to the HEAD section :
<script type="text/javascript">
var Star0 = "Star0.gif";...
I have a similar issue with Freedb Search. I'm not referring to automatic disc recognizing but the freedb search according to title or artist.
I have noticed that querying freedb through OrangeCd...
Today I stumbled across a strange problem in discogs search.
I searched for the Artist "Human League" and it produced no results.
After investigating into the above issue, I discovered that if I...
I had to do that when I bought a new PC and had to transfer all files
It was very easy.
Let's say that you have the following folders:
c:\my Music\Radiohead\In Rainbows
c:\my music\Arcade...
It's possible to use home pc as a local freedb server
check this http://trixmoto.net/mm/howto.php?id=1
Well my friend it is those little simple things that make life easier and more fun.
It was so obvious (in front of my nose) and yet I didn't think of it.
Thanks u
Never mind I managed it using the "float" tag
You have to use the template editor and have some basic html knowledge.
Never mind the "opening of multiple browsers" issue , it somehow got fixed by itself.
It was probably some Windows setting or it got fixed by some windows update.
Thank you