Do that like this:
Make a backup of your database Do that with the 'Database -> Backup -> To File... command.
In the tree view on the left, click 'Entire Collection'. This should...
Type: Posts; User: Balok
Do that like this:
Make a backup of your database Do that with the 'Database -> Backup -> To File... command.
In the tree view on the left, click 'Entire Collection'. This should...
MusicBrainz, in general (if you use a tool like dbPoweramp to rip). Discogs for Orange. I don't expect any updates to OrangeCD, but if Andrei reads this forum, updating it to allow downloading from...
It is one of the ones I keep in my "back pocket". I try to keep up on alternatives to any software I used, but particularly highly specialized shareware. One can never be sure when the author will...
It turns out it was the most unreliable part of the computer: the nut behind the keyboard!
My brother uses Orange, and would like to move his music to the NAS (network attached storage) he just bought. He would access it like this: \\device\folder\folder\ He reports that Orange will not...
This is not a problem with OrangeCD. It is a problem caused by the update. There are two exploits, MELTDOWN and SPECTRE, that can be use by hackers to have a look at your processor's internal memory....
While attempting to add a disc containing music composed by AntonÃ*n Dvořák, I ran into a problem. My ripping tool created a directory under this name, which means the directory contained that 'r'...
I'd like the ability to mark multiple tracks, even on different albums, as using the same data. The purpose: I have a large collection of compilation type albums, so I have some songs several times....
Yes, I know about the possibilities for creating hierarchies of folders. But in the case of a year, this is less desirable since each 'year' folder would have one, or very occasionally two albums in...
I'd like to sort entries inside folders in the 'Content Tree' (left side of the screen tree control) other ways than alphabetically. Specifically, I'd like to sort them by the year the album was...
I'll bump this request back up.
It's been a year, so I'll ask for this again! :)
I'd like to see Unicode character support added to a future version of the app. I have a few classical albums made by foreign musicians (such as Slovaks and Hungarians) and their names frequently...
My template is once again available. This time it is at dropbox:
I ask that you only download it if you actually plan to use it; I don't know...
In order for a Windows operating system to "recognize" a file type, someone (usually an application developer) must add data to a database called the registry. This data tells Explorer (and other...
Thanks, this worked!
Finally tried this today; it worked great. Thanks! Evidently albums downloaded from external sources have the track field locked for some reason.
This doesn't work for me. The field is locked against editing. Do you remember how you created the entry you were able to edit? I.E. Did you download it from FreeDB or somewhere, or did you enter it...
Depending on how your scanner works, this might not give you the results you want. Mine scans the entire page, which means it would have a lot of white space around it. It does offer a mode where it...
On albums downloaded from external sources, like FreeDB, the track lengths are locked. That would be fine if they were correct. But in some cases they're not. Anyone know how to change them? I seem...
It appears that the free file sharing service I was using is no longer available. I'll have to find another.
Once more, back to the top! :)
I wrote my own theme. I update it when OrangeCD makes new features available, if they're features I use. For example, I never implemented rating stars because for the moment none of my music is...
Would it be possible to add the original release date (the same piece of information accessed by <dax:trackorigdate>) as a column that can be added to track search results?
Orange does not manage devices. If you're looking for good free software for this purpose and don't like iTunes (which only manages iDevices), try Media Monkey, which you can find here:...