Wondering, that there is no improvement since Nov last year. This is it?
What about a new modern UI, tagging features (like mp3tag) and so on?
Type: Posts; User: helfo
Wondering, that there is no improvement since Nov last year. This is it?
What about a new modern UI, tagging features (like mp3tag) and so on?
It would be nice to import discogs data to albums always in the database. So i can complete missing information.
Has Somebody an add-on for DAX syntax highlighting in UltraEdit?
A little toolbar with Stop, Play, Pause, Skip Buttons for controlling my transporter/squeezebox would be very nice!
Hmm, yes it is discussed, but there are many questions open.
So please tell me, which features of flac tags does OCD support s actually.
The comment tag is a container, that can have as many...
I'm trying OrangeCD for the first time and have some questions:
1. Is there any possibility to get all information stored in the tags of my flac files, for example all fields in the...