Thanks for the trmplate. It looks great, but I am still looking for a way to either print out or export to html, my cd collection in the order that the cd were entered into OCD.
Is it...
Type: Posts; User: jpottsx1
Thanks for the trmplate. It looks great, but I am still looking for a way to either print out or export to html, my cd collection in the order that the cd were entered into OCD.
Is it...
I could really use a template that allows me to list the CDs in the collection in the order that they were scaned into the OCD app.
I need to be able to co-ordinate very large collections (400 CDs...
I have a couple of sony 400cd players and I need to be able to load the machines in a specific order so that catalogues can be printer that correspond to the cd location in the 400cd Multidisk unit....