Noone Knows ???
Any help ?
Somotime i go i found a site (i think hematomaq or something) that he had that option, but now i cant find it :(
Please helpppppppppp !!!!!
Type: Posts; User: scorpio
Noone Knows ???
Any help ?
Somotime i go i found a site (i think hematomaq or something) that he had that option, but now i cant find it :(
Please helpppppppppp !!!!!
Is there a way to use artist (overview) in html themes (cmi) i mean letter ---> artists ----> albums of artist
Thanks In advance
Thanks for the reply i did rescan as u said :) but.... something strange even if i rescan the album and i get the update when i scan disk again for new albums the updated album shows up again 2 times...
Hi all :)
Not sure if this is a bug or was intend to work this way.
So i have an mp 3 album with fixed tags and i added lyrics to 1 of the songs, not via orangecd but direct to mp3.
I scaned...
Hi and thank in advance for any help :)
So a simple question, i saw a post in another thread (hematomas post) and this guys had out a link "http://hematoma.net/" i saw in that link that when u...
[quote=BLOWERS]Hi Scorpio,
No problem.
Make a note of the albums with updated covers. In the 'List' menu, click 'unmark all'.
Thank u for ur reply 1 more question to make :)
Ok i've done whats u said but...the problem is when i add new albums with no covers how do i update the curent list ??
And imagine to have to go...
Hi :)
I have a rather big collection of albums (mp3 format) around 14000 albums.
The problem is that i have some albums with no covers but i want to add them to my collection with a siggn that...
Is there a way to revome the "the" rule ?
I mean i have lets say this band "The Art Of Noise" but in left panel it shows "Art Of Noise,The" is there a way to let the left panel to shows "The Art...
What is the max size for database ?
I'm asking that cause i have my covers stored in database and i fear for the worst....
In addition to v6 theme i would like the right side of window to be able to split and show artist info in the uper side and albums in the lower side.
Show we can see artist info and discography :)...
I had a strange problem with some of my albums.
I store the covers (back and front) inside mp3 files.
Sometimes usind OCD some albums got no info in them....but the info was there i tried...
I would like to add greek translation in OCD.
I have made a post in the earlier language post, but this post is rather old so i post here if u can send me the txt file.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not that good of programmer (medium) but i have passion ;D ;D so if there is a way for me to help, tell me.
If i can make some code for auto artist update would u be interested ? and if yes in...
Thanks for the info
Is there a way to get betas ? and if yes what i have to do to get them ???
Thanks In advance.
I believe that it would be nice to get info for artist auto from ....AllMusic than to have to type it..
If is already implement..sorry i couldnt find it...
Greek Translator is active.
If u want send me then txt for greek translation.
and put the selction of languages in next versions :).
Thank u in advance.
P.S : I forgot to say that i'm a...