The Above Suggestions Didn't Work For Me, For Reasons Beyond My Control I Have To Start All Over Again Amazon Gives Me A Bad Status Error And Discogs script error Makes OrangeCd useless, Like I...
Type: Posts; User: daveyw50
The Above Suggestions Didn't Work For Me, For Reasons Beyond My Control I Have To Start All Over Again Amazon Gives Me A Bad Status Error And Discogs script error Makes OrangeCd useless, Like I...
This Was Supposedly Already Fixed And I'm Using The Latest Build, But I'm Using Firefox As My Default Browser But When I Click On Discogs Internet Explorer Opens Up And I Cannot Find A way To Change...
I found the problem, my computer clock was wrong, I reset my clock to internet time and everything works
Connecting to
>| GET...
<| HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
<| Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2015 01:53:48 GMT
<| Server: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
<| Content-Length: 302
<| Connection: close
<| Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
<| ...
Now I'm Getting bad Http from all sites, Discogs is still Dead
the search link for discogs is dead, you click on it and nothing happens, all the other search links work, this just happened when I upgraded to the last build of Orangecd Version 6.5.5 Build 20914
Glad that I'm not the only one
Don't mean updates, just seems like nothing going on, and yes still a few bugs with the program.
I have not seen much activity on the OrangeCD web site or forum's, is OrangeCd done and no more? will anyone even read this?
For the past 3 weeks when downloading info from discogs I get everything except the artwork which I have to go to Discogs and save the artwork myself, anyone else having this problem?
I was just wondering if anyone else was having a computer shut down problem after installing the lastest version of orangecd, I had been using an earlier version of orangedcd and 2 days...