Thanks again Andrei,

When I do it this way, I inevitably end up with multiple entries for each album (where there is a 2cd set) which isnt quite what im after:
I could now change the sql code to "insert this row if one doesnt exist already" so that

2 Pac - All Eyez on Me - 9bbf8273.jpeg
2 Pac - All Eyez on Me - ef31f572.jpeg

gets inserted once - then I upload the covers which are all stored externally.

Or the other way is to use a "find and replace" in Word to change
<img class=cover width=??? height=??? src="covers/
to nothing and then the same for ">".

The second method is a tad more labour intensive (yes im a lazy bugger) but i think it might be easier to work.

Anyhow, Im gonna play with method 1 and see what I can make happen - will keep you posted on how its going, and ill post my final code so that others can use it if they do so wish

Cheers again mate