The vast majority of freedb entries I have found while cataloging my CD collection have "Elvis Presley", rather than "Presley, Elvis" (for example). This leads to a sorted Artist display with lots of Bills, Bobs, etc., which looks very strange.

In the short time I have been using OrangeCD, I have learned about the 'sort' option, where it is possible to have "Elvis Presley" sort as if it were entered "Presley, Elvis". I have not investigated that option thoroughly, but it seems to require manual intervention for each occurance of the Artists' name. If I am all wet, and one entry suffices for every occurance, please delete this post ... Ooooops!!

Otherwise, I would like to see an option to 'flip' personal names so that the surname leads, comma delimitted with given name(s) following it. Magically, "Elvis Presley" shows up everywhere as "Presley, Elvis"!