All good tips, guys! And I do love using Audacity for my files. I'm sure I haven't looked into ALL the features of Audacity yet, but I'm still learning. It seems I'm finding new things to do with Audacity all the time. It makes for a great audio editor, too, if you're trying to splice different sources together. Say you have a 4-hour long radio show, that you taped on 3 separate tapes. You can edit them all together into one file, and save the original file in a lossless format. Then download it to whatever personal device suits your fancy. I like that you can also grab snippets of audio, as well, for special projects. Also good for restoring the sound of those old tapes on their last legs. Anyone with old mixtapes can tell you how priceless some of them are, so restoration will at least preserve the sound, and maybe a few memories, too!