Dear Users,

I have around 1000 CDs and thousands of mp3 files to catalogue. For files, I have used MediaMonkey. Very powerful but inadeguate for physical CDs cataloguing. I have tried Data, powerful but...with the last upgrade I lost a custom field used for my cataloguing need and I need to start again...Looking for alternatives, I have restricted my search to OrangeCD and Music Collector. I have tried them in parallel

Music Collector
More expensive. You have to pay for every new release. All the covers of CDs of my test were correctly identified

Better price and licence. Some CDs were not properly identified. Wrong covers. More serious interface. Has a user forum! Has a nicer "feeling"

I am really unable to choose at the moment. I am especially worried about Orangecd future. Is is still going to be developed? I have read some post about the need of a change of the database engine and the lack of time of the author to do that....

Having to start from schratch... is this the best boat to jump in?

Thank you!
