Quote Originally Posted by vinylmaster View Post
Hey, guys...just a question here...Maybe I checked the wrong box or hit the wrong button, but when I was printing out a database before, the columns and grid lines were all divided properly between entries. Now, when I hit "Print Preview", everything looks the way it is supposed to look onscreen, but when I print out a list now, it looks sloppy, as some of the entries share a box (2 or 3 entries in the same box) and others are 1 entry per box. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe I'm missing something right under my nose, but how can I print a list so that each entry is separated properly, and looks neater?
Can you scan or take photo of the resulting printout and send it to [email]orangecd@firetongue.com[/email]? I'd like to take a look but having a hard time understanding how the columns are actually laid out.
