Thanks for replying.

Here's what I want to do.

The album "Sounds of Wood & Steel" from the Windham Hill label has a number of songs by a number of artists. I want to enter the album "Sounds of Wood & Steel" as one entry, preferably under the "group" "Windham Hill" for my ease opf reference an location.

When I enter the CD into OCD, not only does it get listed under V (ie, with Artist (overview) Various Artists, but also under Various Artists under every other alphabetical entry relevant to the artists' names on that album.

In Library | Manage Artists I then add the artist "Windham Hill". I then go to "Record Properties", uncheck Various Artists under the right arrow as you suggest, and access the dropdown box. No Windham Hill, though it's still under Library | Manage Artists.

So I then enter Windham Hill into the blank box for Artists under Record Properties and, presto, it's now Windham Hill instead of Various Artists...under V, and W, and it's now also Windham Hill instead of Various Artists under every alphabetical listing relevant to the artists' names on the album.

Windham Hill has a large stable of artists. Replicating this procedure would eventually place "Windham Hill" under every letter of the alphabet instead of just under W.

So thanks immensely for solving the first half of my problem, but how do I now restrict the displayed-as artist "Windham Hill" to just the letter W?