First off, great program, many thanks.

But I've encountered two issues with playing media files.

1. If I have a 2 disc CD set and want to queue / play the whole thing I can right click on the album in the tree view and play it (F7) or play in squeezebox (Ctrl+F7). Works fine. But if I click on the play or queue links at the top of the track listing in Album view it only plays / queues disc 1. That applies whether the link is configured to play to WMP or to squeezebox. There does not seem to be any way to play disc 2, etc. by this means. I think the links in Album view should play / queue all files, or you should have a play / queue link for each disc. Personally I'd prefer the first approach.

2. There seems a strange glitch playing to squeezebox. OrangeCD will not play / queue to squeezebox any instance of the Bob Dylan song "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"! I guess the software's not a critic, so it must be something to do with parsing file names (or tags?) to squeezebox with those hash and/or ampersand symbols. These files (NB this applies to flac and mp3 format) play fine from OrangeCD to WMP, so it seems to be a specific sqeezebox plugin issue.

Many thanks
