
My covers (and for extension, all the bookmarks TOO) had been messed up!

Is this "Vol. 4" from "Black Sabbath" or "Zipper Catches Skin" from 'Alice Cooper"?

What´s the buzz? Tell me what´s happening...
What´s the buzz? Tell me what´s happening...

The program and/or upload system are been fixed or repaired?

And about upgrades?

Why can my "NOTES" and "MUSICIANS" catalogued in OrangeCD can´t be showed to everyone and in different fields as a box?

No more tears?
No more develops?

And my wasted time to put more than 2200 albums? Ant had to take the happiness to share my humble connection?

And what I´d have to say about my recommendadions around the social midia about your product?


