I’m currently using Music Collector and I’m not so happy with it (for quite a while). I’m not going into the details about it because that’s not the intend of this thread. I have been looking at alternatives and have tested Orange CD over a year ago. Of all the apps I have tried I liked Orange CD the most for its simplicity. Finally an application that does what it’s supposed to do whiteout a ton of unnecessary features and fields. It’s slim and fast.
So why haven’t I still bought it?
Well two main reasons actually:
1. I want an iPhone / iPod Touch application. I know there’s probably a work around for it today but none that I like. The iPhone application of Collectors is quite ok. The iPhone app is currently the only reason why I still use Music Collector.
2. I fear that Orange CD is a bit a “one man show”. It is not perse a bad thing but I have seen some posts that don’t get answered or things that get promised but not delivered (such as the iPhone app).