Here's sort of an odd question, but maybe somebody can help me out.

I have a few CDs and 7" singles where they feature two separate artists (a split single or split EP). I'm not sure how to go about listing these. At the moment, I've listed them under the first artist that appears, and then just made sure each track had the correct artist and song title. The problem is, the release is listed under that artist, and won't come up under the other artist. For example, I have a split 7" single where on one side, there's a song by the band Thursday and on the other side there's a song by the band Thrice. I listed the single under Thursday, and so track one is Thursday's song, and track two is Thrice's song, and I credited each song to the correct artist (sort of like what you'd do for a various artists compilation). So, if I look to see what all I have for Thursday, this single shows up, but if I look to see what all I have for Thrice, it doesn't show up because they weren't listed as the main artist.

The only way I can think of to make sure the single shows up for both bands is by listing the split single as "Various Artists," but I'm hesitant to do that because it's not really a typical "various artists" release. It's just two artists.

I guess I'm just curious to see what other people have done in this same situation.
