I also have the speed issue. It started when I changed my computer. Now I have a faster processor, more memory and Windows Vista, but OrangeCD is slower than it used to be.

I have the latest version, the covers are kept in external files and there are no thumbnails in the database.

Part of the problem may be that I have added a number of boxsets to my collection. Right clicking on a 10 disc boxset in the latest addition view takes 12 seconds to show the context menu, where a single disc album shows the menu in 3 seconds.

I know it is not yet the 74 seconds that kalowski mentioned, but 3 seconds is already a bit too long for my taste. Especially since I did not have this problem on a slower computer. I would really like to see this issue solved.

Andrei, please let me know if you need any more information from me, or if there are some settings or tests I can try.
