Hello All!
I wish to print (beside the artist picture and after the entry "stereo or mono" the date born (if a person) or the date formed (if a band). Underneath that, I wish to display "date died" (if a person) or date disbanded (if a band)! I can't get the code to determine if I'm dealing with a band or a person. This is what I have so far:

<!-- ====================== Show Birth and Death ====================== -->

<p><span class="proplabel"><dax:if(isband)>Formed<dax:else> Born</dax:if></span>:
<span class="propvalue"><dax:dateformed/></span></p>
<p><span class="proplabel"><dax:if(isband)>Disbanded<dax:el se>Died</dax:if></span>:
<span class="propvalue"><dax:datedisbanded/></span></p>

<!-- ================================================== ================ -->

Please help ... Thanks!