I agree totally with Fred that we should have the ability to have front AND back covers in the database, but I would really go one further... front AND back covers should be the MINIMUM!!! I would like to see the ability to store all the pages from a CD booklet in the database.

I've been using OrangeCD for five years now, back in 2002 I auditioned all the music databases that I could find, and concluded that OCD was the best (at least for my purposes). Five years on and I have recently been reassessing my music database needs. Having used OCD successfully for so long, I still prefer it to most of the competion. As I said, I'm a loyal user, I have no real desire to switch to another program. However, I think that the limitation of only being able to store one image for each album IS a limitation that if I were a new user (looking for my first music database), would tip the balance away from OCD and towards one of your competitors (and there are at least a couple that allow front and back cover scans).

while I fear that this request may be falling on deaf ears, I do hope that you can be persuade to work on this request Andrei so that OCD once again has the edge that it did when I chose the software.

Many thanks for your time,
