What I ment was that you can use the Export to HTML-function to create an ordinary text file, which you then could import into Excel, if that's what you want to do.

All you need is a template (.dax file) which contains no HTML tags. You can either make one yourself from scratch or strip an existing template (like for instance CMI Style.dax) - using the DaxEdit utility that comes with OrangeCD (or a plain text editor).

When you run Export to HTML, remember to fill in TXT in the File Extension field (TXT is not listed in the dropdown, but there's nothing to prevent you from writing TXT). And out comes a file with a .txt extension. Provided that you've run a template without HTML tags, you'll end up with a plain text file, which Excel should be able to import.

When it comes to the album time and bit rate tags, take a look at the topic: Mp3 Tag Recognision Issue ([url]http://www.firetongue.com/boards/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=orangecd_general;action=display;num= 1105109145;start=2#2[/url])