Hey all,

Since my provider only allows an upload speed of 13KBps I bumped into something else. ;D For me not really a problem yet since it still is fast enough. I display covers at 200x200 and still missing about a hundred of my 240 albums :-[ . But here is the problem.

OrangeCD remakes all the files every time you export it, which gives them a new timestamp... even when nothing has changed. Of course my web editor (Dreamweaver) recognizes them as newer files then the one on the website and uploads them all. :

So, there is nothing wrong here... but I can imagine if you have .. say.. 2000 albums with huge covers that this might take a long time to upload.

So here is the question ??? Does someone know a trick in Dreamweaver.. or another program that does somekind of CRC check on it?